Integrated Flood Detection System Operation Manual

Research and Development Labs.

09.01.2023  (Version 1)

Botech Engineering & Consulting Inc.

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Phone : 604-283-5656

Table of Content

Introduction        3

Hardware Details        4

Sense Node        5

Receive Node        6

Output Actuation Node        7

Compute Unit (Integrated Data Unit)        8

Rain Sensor        9

Ultrasound Sensor        10

Level Sensors        11

Software Details        12

Login Screen        13

Message Area        14

Service Status        15

Application Configuration        16

Application Menu        17

Flood Management System        17

Calculation Readiness        17

Ultrasound Readings        18

Current State        18

Average Sensor Reading        18

Average Receiving reading        18

Sensor Node Status        19

Sending Node ID        20

Level Sensor Status        20

Instantaneous Ultrasound Level        20

Average Ultrasound Level        20

Number of Averaged Readings        20

System Recommended State        20

Transmission Packet Number        20

Actuation Node Status        21

Actuation Node ID        21

Average Ultrasound Level        21

Number of Averaged Readings        21

System Control Status        22

Local Override State        22

Transmission Packet Number        22

System Current Settings        23

Traffic Signal Status        24

Traffic Signal Display        25

Unused Phases or Phase Red        25

Phase Calls        25

Pedestrian Walk Signals        25

Phase Colors        25

Preemption Display        25

Traffic Signal Controller        27

Pedestrian Phase Colors (Walk, Ped Clear, Pedestrian Don't Walk):        27

Phase Overlaps Color (Red, Yellow, Green):        27

Phase Calls:        27

Ped Calls:        27

Detectors Calls:        27

Phase Omit Requests:        27

Weather Monitoring System        29

Rain Sensor Section        29

Ultrasound Sensor Section        30

Level Sensor Section        31

About        32


The Integrated Flood Detection System has been engineered for the purpose of identifying flood conditions and transmitting this data wirelessly to adjacent traffic control devices. It comprises multiple components and interfaces with external systems to effectively manage traffic flow during flood events. The system is designed to scale, accommodating numerous nodes and multiple areas. It functions autonomously. It possesses its own memory and control capabilities, and provides relevant information and control commands to the traffic signal system.

This guide provides instructions on system management, setup, and critical system factors.

Note: The guide should be used with the electrical drawings produced for installation

The guide covers hardware and software section of the equipment

Hardware Details

The System is composed of the following components:

Sense Node

The Sense node takes on the role of collecting data from onboard sensors and performing edge calculations, consistently sending wireless data to the receiving nodes (subscribers).

Within the Sense node, there are two types of sensors: ultrasonic sensors and Level sensors which are polled at 1 second interval. Also a broadcasting radio unit operating at a frequency of 915 MHz is used to transmit the data and calculation to the surrounding receiving nodes.

Node: Using a 915 MHz frequency ensures more dependable and long-range transmission, enabling data to navigate around obstacles effectively.

The illustration depicted below displays the hardware of the Sense Node.

Receive Node

The Receive node performs ongoing monitoring of signals received from the Sense Node while processing the data gathered by the sensors. It comes equipped with onboard memory to store predetermined threshold values for warning and activation signals. As it continually compares the sensor readings to these predefined levels, the Receive node takes action when specific conditions are met. This action involves activating LED signs, triggering flashing warning signals, and interfacing with the logic inputs of traffic signals to enable predefined signal patterns.

Additionally, the Receive node consistently transmits the overall system status to the compute unit. This compute unit is responsible for providing users with an interface and information about the system's status, and you can find more details about this interface in the Software section of the manual.

The image presented below showcases the Receive Node.

Output Actuation Node

Each Receive Node is linked with an output actuation node, which serves the role of relaying signals from the Receive Node to external systems such as traffic signals, warning LED signs, or 120 VAC LED signs.

The graphic below offers a visual representation of the Output Actuation Node.

Compute Unit (Integrated Data Unit)

The compute unit collects data from all connected systems, conducts logging and verification. Moreover, the software on the compute unit enables users to configure the Flood Detection system. The systems that interface with the compute unit include:

Users can access the computer unit interface through two methods: by connecting a monitor, mouse, and keyboard directly, or by remotely accessing the unit using "Remote Desktop (RDP)."

The Flood Detection System can operate without the Compute unit; Compute unit only gives the interface and data logging features.

The image below provides a visual depiction of the Compute Unit.

Rain Sensor

The Rain sensor is directly linked to the compute unit and provides data on four distinct rain-related parameters: the last 1 minute of rainfall in millimeters (mm), the last hour of rainfall in mm, the last 24 hours of rainfall, and the total accumulated rainfall since the sensor was activated. This data is stored in the compute unit for future analysis.

The image below illustrates the rain sensor, which operates using a piezoelectric pressure sensor. It is active only in the presence of water, making it a low-maintenance and easy-to-manage sensor. It's essential to mount the sensor without any obstructions above it to ensure accurate readings.

Software section will provide more details of how the parameters are presented to the user.

Ultrasound Sensor

Ultrasound sensor plays a crucial role in the system. This sensor is also directly connected to the sensor node and provides valuable data related to water levels. It uses ultrasonic waves to measure the distance to the water's surface, enabling precise monitoring of water levels in real-time. The data it provides includes current water level measurements, and 100 moving average rating.

The ultrasound sensor ensures the safety and reliability of our flood detection and management system. It operates efficiently, requiring minimal maintenance, and is known for its accuracy. When installing the ultrasound sensor, it is important to position it in a way that allows an unobstructed view of the water surface to obtain precise measurements consistently.

All data collected by the ultrasound sensor is transmitted to the receive node and also captured by the compute unit, where it is logged for analysis and used to trigger appropriate actions in our flood management system. This data provides critical insights for flood detection, prevention, and response, ensuring the safety and well-being of the community.

The image below shows the ultrasound picture

Level Sensors

In the system, we have two critical components known as Level Sensors. These sensors play a crucial role and are directly connected to the sensor node. Their primary function is to accurately monitor water levels in real-time. Having two Level Sensors at our disposal allows us to assess warning and actuation conditions effectively. These sensors are interchangeable, and our software uses a polling system, either 1 out of 2 or 2 out of 2, to determine these conditions.

To ensure the Level Sensors perform optimally, they can be adjusted to the desired heights within their casings and should undergo calibration during the initial installation.

Proper positioning of the Level Sensors is vital, particularly during flooding events, as they need to be submerged in water to function correctly. The casing includes holes that permit water entry to activate the sensors. As part of routine maintenance, it's essential to keep these holes free of debris to ensure unobstructed water ingress. Additionally, the sensors should be mounted with their pointed surfaces facing upward, allowing water to flow down the detection surface naturally due to gravity.

All the data gathered by the Water Level Sensors is swiftly transmitted to the receive node and concurrently recorded by the compute unit for thorough analysis. This data serves as a valuable resource in our comprehensive flood detection, prevention, and response efforts.

Software Details

The Integrated Flood Management System is managed and observed via the IFMS software, which operates on the compute unit. This software offers a comprehensive overview of the system, making it effortless to diagnose issues and oversee its operations.

The software is divided into several sections. The manual will provide a detailed explanation of each section of the software, beginning with the main interface displayed on the screen.

Login Screen

The username and password to log into the system is

Note: System is running on an isolated network so it is not accessible through the network and shouldn’t be connected to any of the City network.

The login screen is shown below.

Message Area

The region located beneath the application's title bar serves as the message area, displaying various messages when the application is engaged in tasks or internal processes. Some of these messages are illustrated in the accompanying images.

Service Status

The application comprises two parts: a service and a lightweight front-end client. The client doesn't have to be actively running for the application to function; it operates silently in the background, handling tasks like logging and data collection.

The service status section in the client is responsible for displaying the current status of the service. If the service ever stops, it can be restarted from the service status area by simply pressing the "start" button. It is essential for the service to be running at all times to ensure smooth operation. The Service Indicator will display a green status when the service is operating in the background, and you can verify the service status by clicking the "Get Status" button.

The images below depict the three possible states of the service indicator:

Application Configuration

Because the Compute unit facilitates communication with the Traffic Signal, the NTCIP Port is adjustable as needed. Additionally, the interface allows for the configuration of Activation Levels and Warning Levels for the Ultrasound sensor. These levels correspond to the 100-point moving averages that must meet specific criteria before the system can transition into an activation or warning state.

It's important to emphasize that the Activation Levels should always be set lower than the Warning Levels in order to ensure proper system operation and response.

Application Menu

The application offers access to three distinct sections, each designed to provide essential information related to the Flood Management System, Traffic Signal Control, and Weather System. These sections serve as valuable resources for users seeking real-time status updates and data from various components of the application.

Flood Management System

This section is dedicated to monitoring and managing flood-related information and resources. Users can access data on water levels, flood alerts, and the status of flood control measures. The Flood Management System section ensures that users are well-informed about potential flood risks and the measures in place to mitigate them.

Calculation Readiness

The system incorporates a feature known as "100 Moving Averages." Users have the choice to either employ the calculated results at the receive node or the sensor node.

When the system has accumulated the last 100 readings, the calculations are deemed valid, and the system will respond accordingly based on the predetermined levels and the status of the level sensors.

By default, the system operates in the "Receive Node Calculator" mode, allowing users to configure the level readings conveniently. To configure the levels at the sensor node, a manual setting and calibration process is necessary.

The Calculation Readiness visuals provide information on when the system is ready to take actions.Performing a power reset at the node will reset the count of the last 100 readings. If the sensor node is powered down, the receive node will retain the most recent 100 readings as long as it remains operational.

Ultrasound Readings

The visual provide information of 3 ultrasound related readings available in the system

Current State

The current state represents the instant, real-time reading obtained from the ultrasound sensor. This reading serves the purpose of both calibrating and monitoring real-time ultrasound data. 

Average Sensor Reading

The reading is a reflection of the 100-point moving average of ultrasound sensor data collected at the sensor node. When the system operates exclusively based on the sensor node, these readings are employed. However, it's important to note that this is not the default setting, as adjustments to the preset levels must be made at the sensor node to activate this option.

Average Receiving reading

The reading is derived from a 100-point moving average of ultrasound sensor data collected at the receiver node. It's important to note that these readings may differ from those at the sensor node, particularly when communication signals are lost because values from the sensor node are not factored into the calculation under such circumstances.

To activate the output unit at the receiver node, a prerequisite is having 100 independent readings. However, an override option is available at the receiver node, allowing users to switch the behavior and utilize the sensor node readings if needed.

The ultrasound reading visual is shown in the image below.

Sensor Node Status

The receiver nodes display the internal parameters of the sensor node within the "Sensor Node Status" section. These parameters are polled and refreshed approximately once per second, being updated with data received from the sensor node.

These parameters include:

Sending Node ID

The Sending Node ID represents the current identification of the transmitting node. Typically, receive nodes are paired with their respective sensor nodes when assessing flood conditions. This identification helps in establishing a clear link between the transmitting and receiving nodes.

Level Sensor Status

Under the Level Sensor Status, the instantaneous readings of the level sensor are displayed. When the water level reaches the level sensor, the LED indicator will turn blue. It's important to note that sensor nodes typically have 2-3 level sensors available for monitoring water levels.

Instantaneous Ultrasound Level

The Instantaneous Ultrasound Level provides a real-time measurement of ultrasound data. It indicates the current level as detected by the ultrasound sensor.

Average Ultrasound Level

The Average Ultrasound Level represents the mean value of 100 ultrasound readings, providing a smoothed representation of the water level.

Number of Averaged Readings

This parameter signifies the count of ultrasound readings used to calculate the Average Ultrasound Level, giving insight into the data sample size used for this calculation. The numbers need to be 100 before the system becomes active. Any additional reading added to the end of the queue and the first reading is discarded to keep the running 100 average readings.

System Recommended State

The System Recommended State, as determined by the sensor node, provides guidance on the appropriate actions or settings based on the collected data. The system can be switched to follow Sensor Node recommended Settings if required.

Transmission Packet Number

The Transmission Packet Number denotes the unique identifier for data packets transmitted between sensor nodes and receive nodes. It aids in tracking and managing the flow of data within the system.

The images below shows the Sensor Node Status section

Actuation Node Status

Within the "Actuation Node Status" section, the internal parameters of the receiver node are displayed. These parameters are polled and updated at roughly one-second intervals, receiving data for real-time system status

These parameters encompass:

Actuation Node ID

This value indicates the unique identification of the actuation node (Receive Node).

Average Ultrasound Level

The Average Ultrasound Level corresponds to a 100-point moving average value computed at the receive node. This value is used for comparison with the system's preset thresholds to trigger system activation. These comparison values are continuously refreshed with each incoming data packet.

Number of Averaged Readings

This parameter denotes the count of ultrasound readings considered in calculating the Average Ultrasound Level. It provides insight into the data sample size utilized for this calculation.

System Control Status

The System Control Status conveys details about the system's overarching output control state. Four LED indicators signify the status of output relays. These LEDs are linked to various control functions, namely LED Sign Control, Traffic Signal Omit request, Auxiliary Controller request, and Warning State Alarm for Traffic Signals.

Local Override State

When the receive node is placed in an override state, it operates in accordance with the recommendations provided by the sensor node to regulate the system's output. This means that when the receive node is following the guidance given by the sensor node, an override feature becomes active, indicated by a "Yellow" status.

Transmission Packet Number

The Transmission Packet Number serves as a unique identifier for the last data packet received from the receive node to the client. It plays a critical role in tracking and managing data flow within the system, ensuring data integrity and synchronization.

The images below shows the Actuation Node (receive node) Status section

System Current Settings

This section provides a snapshot of the existing configurations for Ultrasound Activation Level Targets, Warning Level Targets, and Polling Rates. While the Polling Rate is optimized for operational efficiency and remains fixed, it's important to note that the other two parameters, Ultrasound Activation Level Targets and Warning Level Targets, are subject to modification or updating as needed.

Refer to the image below for the details presented in the "System Current Setting Section."

Traffic Signal Status

The Traffic Signal Control section offers users insights into the real-time status of traffic signals. Data from the traffic signal is recorded alongside other system data. These visual cues serve as a comprehensive means of verifying and confirming that, once the flood detection system is activated, the traffic signals are appropriately adjusted to deter people from entering flood-prone areas.

The Traffic Signal Status Section is divided into two primary segments:

Traffic Signal Display

The Traffic Signal Display serves as a graphical representation that offers users a visual insight into how the traffic signal system is functioning at any given moment. Within this display, the system maps out the 8 phases that are part of the traffic signal cycle, allowing users to easily discern the status of each phase.

To enhance clarity and understanding, various visual indicators have been incorporated into the display. These indicators serve specific purposes:

Unused Phases or Phase Red

Phases that are currently not in use are distinctly highlighted in red. This allows users to quickly identify which phases are inactive in the current traffic signal cycle.

Phase Calls

 The display provides information about which phases have been  "called". This indicator helps monitor the phase to be served or extended based on the signal cycle.

Pedestrian Walk Signals

The pedestrian walk signal status is shown on the traffic signal display section and is logged

Pedestrian Clearance Signals

Similar to the pedestrian walk signals, the status of pedestrian clearance signals is also displayed on the Traffic Signal Display section and is logged as part of the system's records.

Phase Colors

The Traffic Signal Display showcases 8 phase movements, with their colors changing to reflect their status as per the traffic controller's current activity. These movement statuses are recorded within the compute engine and serve as a means of confirming that the correct pattern was in effect when the flooding condition was detected.

Preemption Display

The display may incorporate indicators associated with preemption, a functionality employed to give priority to fire trucks when they need to pass through intersections. Preemption has the ability to supersede the flood detection system's control at the intersection; however, it's important to note that the LED signs will remain active and unaffected by the preemption triggered by fire trucks.

The images provided below offer a visual representation of different states and scenarios of the traffic controller through the Traffic Signal Display. These images serve as a valuable reference for users to understand and assess the traffic signal system's operation in various conditions.

Traffic Signal Controller

The Traffic Signal Controller section offers comprehensive status information for traffic signals and is compatible with both NEMA and ATC controllers, accommodating up to 16 phases. Within this section, users can access a detailed display that includes several key elements:

Vehicle Phase Colors (Red, Yellow, Green):

These indicators provide real-time information about the status of traffic signals. The visuals are refreshed real-time at 1 per second.

Pedestrian Phase Colors (Walk, Ped Clear, Pedestrian Don't Walk): 

This aspect of the display communicates the status of pedestrian traffic signals. It includes signals for walking, pedestrian clearance, and the "don't walk" indication, helping pedestrians know when it's safe to cross.

Phase Overlaps Color (Red, Yellow, Green): 

The traffic display features 16 phase overlaps status polled at the same 1 per second frequency

Phase Calls:

The cumulative calls from all the detectors are presented under the phase calls. The information is recorded and logged with the other parameters at 1 per second frequency

Ped Calls: 

The Signal controller also displays all 16 ped phase calls available in NEMA and ATC controller in the visuals.

Detectors Calls: 

The first 16 sets of detectors are exposed and displayed in the traffic controller status screen.

Phase Omit Requests: 

Any requests to omit or skip specific phases within the traffic signal cycle are presented, allowing users to understand if any phases have been excluded. The flood detection system will initiate the phase omit requests, which are displayed and recorded in the logs for end-to-end verification of system functionality.

This comprehensive display section ensures that users have access to all critical information related to the operation of the traffic signal controller. It aids in monitoring operations before and after the flood detection system activation, and the entire system, along with the corresponding elements, can all be observed from the application.

The image below shows the Traffic Controller Visuals

Weather Monitoring System

The weather system screen settings display real-time data from all available sensors at both the receiving and sensor nodes. Additionally, it simultaneously presents 100-point moving averages for data from both the receiving and sensor nodes. Below is the overall layout of the weather system section on the screen.

Rain Sensor Section

The rain sensor monitoring section of the software is designed to provide users with comprehensive, real-time rainfall data. It features a dynamic interface that not only displays the current precipitation level but also logs data whenever there is a change in value. Additionally, it calculates and presents this information in different time increments, including 1-minute, 1-hour, and 24-hour intervals. Furthermore, this section of the software conveniently compiles the total accumulated rainfall values in millimeters. This continuous data logging capability ensures that users have a detailed history of rainfall patterns and allows for in-depth analysis. The image below shows the rain sensor section.

Ultrasound Sensor Section

The dedicated section for ultrasound sensor monitoring within the software has been carefully crafted to provide users with a comprehensive, real-time dataset for distance measurements. It boasts a dynamic user interface that not only displays the current distance measurement but also meticulously logs data each time a value change occurs. An essential component of this section is the graphical representation, which effectively illustrates 100 moving average values, both at the sensor node and the receiving node.

This graphical depiction serves a vital purpose by highlighting that the values used for calculations remain stable despite occasional fluctuations. It also sheds light on the time required for validation and the subsequent stabilization of these moving averages. This graphical representation underscores the software's robustness in managing ultrasound sensor data, ensuring accuracy and reliability under various operating conditions.

Level Sensor Section

The segment dedicated to monitoring two water level sensors within the software has been designed to offer users a comprehensive, real-time dataset for tracking water level sensor status.. This section features an interactive and dynamic user interface that showcases the current water level readings and last 10 values of water level sensors. The data is also logged whenever there is a change in values of level sensor status for future analysis.


The Screen provides the current version of software running on the system.

Note: The software version numbering is used to track the incorporated features and deployment compatibilities. The software operates as a whole without need for any new upgrades in future provided the OS is unchanged.